This Little Light of Mine
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

This Little Light of Mine

We are called to reflect the light of Jesus to the world around us. Jesus,  the greater light, says in John 9:5, “While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.”         

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Hope Within Our Walls
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

Hope Within Our Walls

Hope.  Merriam-Webster defines Hope: to cherish a desire with anticipation, to want something to happen or be true. In Hebrew, hope is the word Tikvah תִּקְוָה . Strong’s defines it as a cord, expectation and hope. It comes from the root word Kavah, meaning to wait, or look eagerly for, to collect, bind together.  

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Redeemed Through Thorns
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

Redeemed Through Thorns

Thorns, a byproduct of the fall in the Garden of Eden when man sinned, becomes a symbol of what God used to redeem His people through His Son Jesus Christ. When man sinned, the ground was cursed with “thorns and thistles” (Ge.3:18). Although they were not a part of creation, God still used this negative imagery to weave a beautiful redemptive story. 

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“I am Willing”: The Revelation of God’s Heart
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

“I am Willing”: The Revelation of God’s Heart

“A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”  Jesus reached out his hand and touched 

the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.” (Matthew 8:2,3).  

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Deborah Barce Deborah Barce


Shalom שָׁלוֹם, is a multi-faceted word in Hebrew. It can be a greeting (hello or goodbye), it can also mean peace, completeness, wholeness and soundness. It can refer to a person’s wellbeing. When you bring shalom you bring wholeness, restoration to relationships. 

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The Lens by which we see
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

The Lens by which we see

I believe the Lord stirred me to create this piece based on the common quote, “Nothing is ever what it seems”. This piece was physically and emotionally difficult to execute. 

With mountains of fake news and alternate facts today, this subject is quite relevant…

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I Will
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

I Will

How certain or confident are you in God’s commitments? What comes to mind when you hear or read the phrase “I will”? Many might think of words like promise, commitment. What do you think of when God says, “I will”? It speaks of authority, sovereignty, faithfulness, love, commitment and comfort. God’s “I will” holds weight and surety.

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Do You Need a Blood Transfusion?
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

Do You Need a Blood Transfusion?

One day the Holy Spirit kept bringing the old hymn, “Nothing but the Blood” to my heart. I played that song over and over as I created this piece because I knew I needed the cleansing blood of Christ. I needed a blood transfusion. 1John 1:7b says, “and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” 

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Ancient Paths
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

Ancient Paths

Everyone likes to get an invitation to go somewhere or participate in something with others. Who's the invitation from? What is it for? Do we commit, or do we pass? God has had a continual invitation to humanity since Adam and Eve in the Garden, through His Son Jesus Christ. Do we accept His invitation of rest, healing, restoration and forgiveness from sin? 

It is an important choice that has eternal ramifications.

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The Sabbath: A Sanctuary in Time
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

The Sabbath: A Sanctuary in Time

From the beginning the Sabbath has been a regular, cyclical day of rest, worship, refreshment, and blessing. It is celebrated on the seventh day of the week…

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Bloom Where You are Planted
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

Bloom Where You are Planted

Whether flowers are in a garden, grow out of a crack or in between brick, they are all still beautiful. Some flowers will be seen by many, and other flowers will be seen by just one. We are all called to bloom where God plants us, even if no one sees but God. God sees what we do to further His kingdom even if others don’t.

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The Healing of Many  Souls
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

The Healing of Many Souls

Normally when you see a map the information given shows the division of race, population, political affiliation, religion, and age.  I wondered, “how does God see us?”  It is called the “united” states, but I was witnessing so much division, offense, anger, and pride all around me.  Yes, indeed we are different in many ways, but we all share the same heart. 

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The Blessing House
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

The Blessing House

When you cross the threshold you enter a sacred space, where you are welcomed. There is a sense of belonging, joy and God’s presence dwells there.

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Seeds: You Reap What You Sow
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

Seeds: You Reap What You Sow

We are always sowing seeds, but we need to be careful (because we can be careless) of what and where we are sowing. What we sow often takes root and grows, and we want to look back and see good fruit. God sees the potential inside every seed…

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The Anchor and the Journey
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

The Anchor and the Journey

Hebrews 6:19a says, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” The figurative meaning of the word anchor means…

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Jesus Wept
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

Jesus Wept

On three occasions in the Bible, we are told that Jesus wept, but I am sure there were more…

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The Time is Coming
Deborah Barce Deborah Barce

The Time is Coming

Isaiah 66:18 “For I know their works and their thoughts, and the time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and shall see my glory…”.

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