The Blessing
These are the words of the blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26, which God instructed Moses to give to Aaron and his sons to bless the people of Israel.

“Hineni-Here I am”
“Hineni-Here I am”. Hineni is one powerful word that sums up “here I am” in English.

The World (Repent, Surrender, and Worship)
Pulling back the curtain on humanity exposes a chronic disease that has plagued many for centuries, sin. The Lord had me do this piece when the Corona Virus was beginning.

A Beautiful Song
I love hearing the birds in the morning and the soothing sound as they sing. This piece reflects my heart at the moment and what is to come as I praise my Lord along the way…

A Sweet Reminder of Faith
The honeycomb is the place where bees store their honey. Bees are like spiritual travelers, that pollenate and collect what’s needed, to bring back to the hive. The honey is the Word of God…

Changed and Transformed
I was struck by this quote “Nothing changes if nothing changes, so change.” Simple, to the point and convicting. I was then reminded of Romans 12:2…

Stay Connected
Leaves are beautiful to look at, they come in all shapes and sizes. The image of the leaf itself is not as important as the function of the leaf in Hebrew thought…

Come to Me
The Lord reminded me of this one day as I was sitting at church. It was a gentle beckoning to draw near. Which led me to look up the times in scripture when it was used…

Jeremiah 29:11
We all need reminders around our homes and throughout our day that God knows the plans He has for us, “plans to prosper us and not harm us, but to give us a hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Continually Hope and be Strong
We all need reminders around our homes and throughout our day to ... "continually hope", "be strong and take heart", "to trust in the Lord with all your hearts" and to "let your light shine"! I chose to…

Tree Roots
You normally don't see the roots of a trees, however while on a family trip in Gooseberry Falls, MN I was drawn to these five trees that had exposed roots. They became intertwined and appeared to be one root system supporting one another…

Let your light shine
I was struck by the quote from C.S. Lewis that says, “Don’t shine so others can see you. Shine so that through you others can see Him.”

Be Transformed and Renewed
A nice reminder along the way to enjoy the journey as we continue to study the word of God for healing, transformation, and renewal. Likened to a butterfly…