Hebrew Letter Tsade

Hunt #6679   צוּד  tsûwd: to lie alongside (i.e., in wait); by implication, to catch an animal (figuratively, men); to victual (for a journey):—chase, hunt, sore, take (provision).

Other words that begin with the letter Tsade are:

Lord of Hosts- Adonai Tzva’ot, צבאות is one of the names of God, used 235 times in the Bible. This Name first appears in the story of Hannah and her husband Elkanah, in Hannah’s struggle with barrenness. Hannah is the first person to call God by this name.

Righteous #6662 צַדִּיק tsad·dēk' righteous (in conduct & character - justified & vindicated by God) just, lawful. (See Is. 41:10 & Psalm 118:15)

The story of Tsade is, if one protects his eyes from evil things and protects his mouth from saying bad things, they will be a righteous person.

Jesus is the Righteous Branch.

Branch #6780 צֶמַח tsemach meaning sprout, branch, shoot (of Messiah from Davidic tree). 

See Jer. 23:5,6 / Is. 11:1 / Zech. 3:8 / Zech. 6:12

18 is the number of life in Hebrew

90 years old Sarah gave birth to Isaac (son of promise to a woman who was barren)


Hebrew Letter Pey


Hebrew Letter Quph