Hebrew Letter Resh

Head- #7218 ro’sh רֹאשׁ head, top, chief, front, beginning

From an unused root apparently meaning to shake

First used as the head of Satan that would be bruised by the seed of the woman.  This is a promise in scripture concerning the Messiah and His work of salvation.  (See Genesis 3:15.)

The word reysh itself means poverty #7389 רֵיש . The Hebrew word is only used 7 times in the book of Proverbs. (Prov. 6:10,11)

The Talmud states, “There is no poor person except he who is poor in knowledge.” Nedarim 41a

This is a picture of Christ.  The poverty He endured contrasted His vast heavenly riches that He willingly set aside during His time on earth. The riches Christ offers us, surpass anything this world can offer.  In 2 Cor. 8:9, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”

The head (ro’sh) is significant because it is the source of intellect, human reason and wisdom.  On intellect, one bends over to be understood.  It is likened to a professor who explains something to a child, or like a doctor who explains something to the patient.  (See Prov. 1:7). When the head is not yielded to Christ, see Prov. 10:4 / 14:12.

The letter Resh can symbolize a bowed head. Jesus lowered Himself in humble service. (See Hos. 11:4 / Mark 10:45)  He washed His disciples feet (John 13:1-7).

Jesus is the First and the Last.  Ri'shown #7223 רִאשׁוֹן first, primary, former - in time, place or rank. 

(See Is. 41:4 / Is. 44:6 / Rev. 22:13)


Hebrew Letter Quph


Hebrew Letter Shin