Resting on His Word

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Hebrew Letter Quph

In Biblical Hebrew, תקופה  #8622 tequphah refers to a particular point in time that marks the culmination of a cycle, a coming round, circuit. The word appears in the Bible in (NAS):

Exodus 34:22 “of Ingathering at the turn of the year.”   

1Samuel 1:20 “It came about in due time,”

2Chron.24:23 “Now it happened at the turn of the year”  

Psalm 19:6 “of the heavens, and its circuit to the other end”

100 is traditionally understood to mean completion and perfection. We are made whole through the sacrifice of Christ.             

Born   —>    Live   —>    Die   —>    Eternal State in Heaven

The letter alludes to God’s  holiness.  Holy #6918 kadosh קָדוֹשׁ sacred, holy, Holy One, saint, set apart.

Jesus is the Holy One of God.

John 6:69 “Simon Peter says, “We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” (See Mark 1:24 & Is. 6:3)

We are created in God’s likeness and are called to be holy  (to live set apart lives) for His glory. 

Leviticus 11:44 ESV “For I am the LORD your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy.” (See 1Peter 1:15,16 / Col. 3:12)

The Hebrew word Korban is related to sacrifice. Offering #7133 korban קָרְבָּן something brought near the altar, i.e. a sacrificial present. See Romans 12:1.

Assembly #7133 kohail קָהֵל assembly, company, congregation, convocation, community. See Gen. 28:3 / Psalm 40:10.