Hebrew Letter Zayin

In the physical sense, one needs to cut food or kill an animal for food, or we might need to fight at times to defend our lives and our way of life. In a spiritual sense, in order to be nourished and at rest, we need to at times engage in warfare.

Time #2166 zeman (Aramaic) זְמָן A set time, appointed time (used 4x in the books of Ezra, Neh., Esther, & Eccl).  Although God created time, He lives outside the realm of it.  Seven represents, completion, blessing and rest.

7th day of the week-Shabbat 

7 weeks (49 days from Passover) Shavu’ot

7th month of the year- Tishri

7th year (rest for the land) Shemita

7,000 yrs. (human history) Millennial Kingdom

7 Feasts of the Lord

Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews

The Vav represents man and Zayin is the crowned Vav  (crowned man). In some Torah Scrolls, eight Hebrew letters are given special adornment by attaching three “tagin” or decorative "crowns".    

Jesus is equipped with the sword of the Spirit.  Hebrews 4:12 (ESV) says, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

Jesus, the Word of God, nourishes and provides (See John 6:51 / Matt. 6:11)


Hebrew Letter Vav


Hebrew Letter Chet